International Symposium

The Future of Solid Organ Transplantation

Friday, June 21, 2024
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM

JW Marriott Essex House New York
160 Central Park South
New York, NY 10019



Dr. Ephraim Fuchs: Keynote Speaker and Professor of Oncology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Fuchs is a world-renowned bone marrow transplant physician and researcher. He is the co-developer of the danger model of immunity, which has profound implications for the understanding of the processes of transplantation tolerance versus graft rejection in humans.

  • Synthetic sibling concept: What is it and why is it important?
  • Update on the synthetic sibling clinical trial

Dr. Robert Montgomery: Chair, NYU Department of Surgery and Director, NYU Langone Transplant Institute

  • Why Is tolerance important?
  • Tolerance: Overview of the current state-of-the-art
  • What the future holds for tolerance (20-year horizon)

Dr. Joseph Leventhal: Surgical Director of the Kidney Transplant Program at Northwestern University and a pioneer in the development of cell-based therapies to achieve tolerance induction in solid organ transplant recipients.

  • Longitudinal study results of Phase 2 and Phase 3 tolerance patients
  • Once patients are off immunosuppressive drugs, they are able to remain off them permanently

Dr. Raja Kandaswamy: Surgical Director, Kidney Transplant Program, University of Minnesota and a world leader in engineered transplant matching

  • How to engineer genetic matches to maximize tolerance success
  • Stem cell transplant matching is different from eplet matching

Living Donor Transplant

Dr. Amanda Leonberg-Yoo: Medical Director, Living Kidney Donor Program, University of Pennsylvania Health System

  • Pathway for U.S. to double living donor transplants by leveraging microsites
  • Penn case study: 500+ active microsites and 200+ qualified donor referrals in 2023
  • Innovative new liver microsite pilot launched

Dr. Dorry Segev: Director, Center for Surgical and Transplant Applied Research (C-STAR), NYU Langone Health

  • Why eplet matching matters
  • Kidney for Life program results
  • The impact of DSA on the tolerance protocol